Difference Between Woven and Non Woven House Wrap


Which housewrap is best for your particular climate and application? Woven or non-woven? Perforated or non-perforated? This article we will sharing something about the difference between woven and non woven house wrap.

What is non woven house wrap?

Non-woven house wrap is a synthetic material used as an exterior building envelope material. It is typically made from a combination of synthetic fibers and resins that are pressed together to form a solid sheet. Non-woven house wrap is designed to provide a barrier against air and water infiltration while allowing moisture vapor to escape from the building envelope.

tyvek home wrap

One of the advantages of non-woven house wrap is that it can be more cost-effective than other types of building envelope materials. It is also typically lightweight and easy to install, which can help to reduce labor costs. Non-woven house wrap is also resistant to tears and punctures, which can help to prevent damage during installation.

Non-woven house wrap is typically used in residential and commercial construction projects as an alternative to traditional building envelope materials like asphalt felt or building paper. It is an effective moisture barrier and can help to improve the energy efficiency of a building by reducing air leakage.

Which is better woven or nonwoven house wrap?

Woven house wrap is made from woven polypropylene fibers and is a breathable material that allows moisture to escape while still providing a barrier against air and water infiltration. It is typically more durable and tear-resistant than non-woven house wrap.

Non-woven house wrap is made from a combination of synthetic fibers and resins that are pressed together to form a solid sheet. It is typically less breathable than woven house wrap and is better suited for applications where moisture control is less of a concern.

The key difference is the method by which the vapor permeability is achieved in the two types. Most woven products tend to require microperforations to allow vapor permeability, while non-wovens do not.

In general, woven house wrap is better for climates with high humidity or moisture levels, while non-woven house wrap is better for drier climates. However, both types of house wrap can provide effective protection against air and water infiltration when properly installed.

If you are looking for alternatives to tyvek house wrap, Pls contact us.
